Select one of the following service options 1-8
  1. Hotel customers, Seasonal wheel change. 90€
  2. Hotel Customers, Seasonal tyre swap and wheel change. from 120€ *
  3. Wheel change, Passenger car. 48€
  4. Wheel change, Van/SUV. 58€
  5. Purchase of new tyres and tyres mounted
  6. Own tyres mounted & wheel change From 84€ * .
  7. Balancing-4 wheels. 65€
  8. Puncture repair -1pc 48€ 
* Price depending on wheel size

Add your selected option number to the booking screen.

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Translated terms for booking page:
Seuraava= next.
Muuta ajanvaraus= change booking.
Valitse = Select service.
Edellinen =Previous page.
Takaisin = Back.